Architecture from Pigeons Narration

Architecture, like music, painting, cinema, and other artistic fields, is one of the most significant aspects of culture. Each building, like any other work of art, has a story behind it and can teach us a lot, such as how people lived in that era, what they thought about, and more.

The person who designs a building is called an architect. Great architects around the world often use their deepest imaginations and visions to create the most fascinating and unique buildings. Imagine a city in your mind; great architects usually envision buildings that are quite different from those built before, and then draw them on paper. In this way, each great architect adds an amazing and unique piece to the world of architecture, making the world we live in more imaginative, intriguing, and beautiful.

In this book, we will learn about important buildings around the world from the perspective of a pigeon and read the stories of how each of them was built.

7 & 8 Workshop, Azadi Innovation Factory, Tehran, Iran

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